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[15 Dec 2020 | No Comment | ]
Ceahlău Massif and how it may surprise you during December

The beauty of the ”Enchanted Mountain” during winter
Ceahlău Massif, also known as The Olympus of Moldavia or the Holy Mountain of the Romanians is a particular mountain, full of history, spirituality, legends and mystery, both mentioned in the Romanian literature and in the foreign one.
Photo Credit: Alex Jitaru
Season-friendly surprises are waiting for you right at the foothill of the mountain, in Durău Resort. Although it is a year of restrictions, Santa Claus promised us that in December, the month of presents, he will be waiting for the children to come …

Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, Entertainment, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion, Tourist trails, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

[4 Sep 2020 | No Comment | ]
Rush hour on top of Ceahlău Massif!

In the last weekend of August, the main trails in Ceahlău National Park were full of tourists
In August 2020, tourists from all over Romania embarked on a journey of discovering Ceahlău Massif, and on weekends there were even 4,000 tourists who climbed to the top of Toaca Peak.
The warm weather in August made tourists choose hiking on the main mountain peaks in Romania as their favorite outdoor activity, out of a need for direct interaction with nature, recharging their batteries, and also as a compensation for the lack of physical …

Attractions, Ceahlău Mountain Festival, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion, Tourist trails, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

[9 Jun 2020 | No Comment | ]
The stairs that lead to Toaca Peak in Ceahlău Massif, over 1 mil. views on Facebook

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A video made right on the top of Ceahlău Massif became viral online.
The video on the Facebook page of Radio Romania Cluj was uploaded on the 16th of  February 2020, reached in a short period of time over 1 mil. views.
The images show the stairs that lead to Toaca Peak, 1904 m high, on the top of Ceahlău Massif, the Holy mountain of the Romanians.
A big thank you to Radio Romania Cluj and to Dan Izvoreanu for filming and uploading the video!
We hope that the trip on Ceahlău Massif …

Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, Hiking Routes, Nature Parks, The Legends from Ceahlău Massif, Tourism Promotion, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

[14 Feb 2020 | No Comment | ]
More than a museum or an exhibition: Ceahlău National Park Visitors’ Centre


Exploring the fascinating natural universe of Ceahlău Massif

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Izvorul Muntelui is a very picturesque area in Neamț County. It is also the starting point for three of the eight trails leading on top of Ceahlău Massif.

Here tourists from everywhere have the chance to enter Ceahlău National Park Visitors’ Centre and have a “live taste” of what the wide and complex natural universe of the mountain really means. The Visitors’ Centre is more than a museum, inviting its visitors to step inside a natural micro universe and gradually discover its mysteries, …

Attractions, Ceahlău Mountain Festival, Ceahlău National Park, Entertainment, Events, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion, Touristic Routes in Ceahlău Massif »

[18 Jul 2019 | No Comment | ]
Ceahlău Mountain Festival – 45th edition: 3-4 August 2019

Ongoing preparations for the “Holy Mountain” Day – year after year, a beloved and long-awaited festival

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The beginning of August 2019 will mark the celebration of Ceahlău Massif. Thousands of tourists will gather between 3rd and 4th of August 2019 at the foothill of the mountain, in Durău Resort, where they enjoy 2 days of continuous celebration, singing and dancing with famous Romanian artists. On Saturday evening Lidia Buble, Cristina Bălan and Mark Stam will come on the stage. By tradition, Sunday will be dedicated to Romanian and international …

Attractions, Ceahlău National Park, Hiking Routes, Lakes in Neamţ County, Nature Parks, Tourism Promotion »

[19 Apr 2019 | No Comment | ]
Invitation to Izvoru Muntelui, a picturesque area in Neamţ Land

area is the starting point for mountain trails that pass through vast coniferous
forests, climbing to the alpine pastures and gorges up to the ridges of Ceahlău
Massif. Each of the trails offers unforgettable experiences for tourists, who thus
have the chance to explore the surroundings by hiking in unique places with
spectacular mountain views.

region is impressive in any season you come by, displaying specific colors which
give the landscape a spectacular, fascinating look.

the area, on the course of River Bistrita, from Poiana Largului to Bicaz, Lake
Izvorul Muntelui Aquatic Reserve covers a wide surface. Also …