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Book your holiday in Neamţ! Let the adventure begin!

7 February 2024 One Comment

 With a rich natural and anthropic heritage, Neamţ County awaits you to spend beautiful and relaxing vacations inside its borders, with various and adventurous activities. A boat, pedal boat or steamboat ride, SUP or kayaks and canoes competitions on Lake Izvorul Muntelui and Lake Bâtca Doamnei, a hike on Ceahlău Massif, in Vânători-Neamţ Nature Park or in Şugăului Gorges, climbing the straight rock walls of Bicaz Gorges or floating with birds in a paraglider or hang glider will fill your lungs with clean air and your soul with happiness. Yes! You got it right: Neamț is the county where you can venture into discovering, by flying, the unspoiled, unexpected beauty of landscapes; you can even sign up for obtaining a light aircraft piloting licence. Also in Neamţ, you can try the longest via ferrata route in Romania, Via ferrata ASTRAGALUS from the Șugău Gorges-Munticelu Nature Reserve, a project initiated by the well-known climber Constantin Lăcătușu, the first Romanian to reach the highest peak on the planet, EVEREST.

The goldola lift in Piatra-Neamț guarantees a spectacular view of the whole city, from high above. Tourists are welcome to the scenic and exciting four seasons world of Durău Park, a ski slope during winter and amusement park during summer, where a mountaintop of fun, excitement and beauty is awaiting for them.

The picturesque landscapes along the villages are a sure invitation to biking trips, off-road or ATV-riding, paintball, archery and more. The municipal lido in Piatra-Neamţ and “Moldova” Leisure complex in Roman are other places that offer tourists diverse and attractive activities for their free time. The lakes and ponds in Neamţ are waiting for fishing enthusiasts to share their stories with a fishing line. “Virgil Bărbuceanu” Equestrian base and “Dumbrava stallion reserve”, the therapeutic springs in Bălţăteşti, and SPAs in Neamţ will convince you that Neamţ County is the ideal destination for spending leisure time and practicing outdoor activities.

A journey through Neamț is not complete without visiting “Bison Land”, one of the few places in Europe where wild bisons still roam free. Vânători-Neamț Natural Park is more than just the habitat of bisons, which you can observe from a short distance during a “Bison safari” accompanied by park rangers. Spanning an area of nearly 76,500 acres, of which 64,000 acres of forest area, the park includes not only values of natural heritage, but also historical and cultural turistic sights. Here you can spot rare or endangered animal species. Also, within the park’s territory are located two famous balneoclimatic resorts, Băltățești and Oglinzi, as well as four protected natural areas: “Pădurea de Argint” (Silver Forest), “Codrii de Aramă” (Cooper Woods), “Dumbrava” Oak Reserve, and “Dragoș Vodă” Bisons and Carpathian Fauna Reserve.

Beautiful in all seasons, with a unique, vibrant, and contagious vibe, Neamț County will offer you the vacation you have always dreamed of. Here you will be able to enjoy various leisure activities and discover an area with a fascinating history, a rich heritage of customs and traditions, picturesque landscapes, and warm-hearted people who have great stories to share😊

Taking into account the numerous guest houses and all the other facilities for a comfortable vacation, all you have to do is choose the vacation date and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

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See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

One Comment »

  • Rafael Stoltenberg said:

    Your blog is a treasure trove of knowledge.

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