Articles in the “Forest Berries” Festival Category
"Forest Berries" Festival, Churches, Events, Events and projects financed by Neamţ County Council, Events and projects initiated by Neamţ County Council, Hermitages, Monasteries, Museums, Nature Parks, Touristic Routes in Vânători Neamţ Nature Park »

Recently, just before the 22nd edition of the Medieval Festival “Days of Neamț Fortress”, an article appeared on the platform, which included Neamț Fortress, Bison Land and Agapia Nunnery and Văratec Monasteries among the Top 15 destinations in the country for families, young people, and childrens.
Guarding over the valleys of River Moldova and River Siret, as well as over the access road to Transylvania, Neamț Fortress has gone through numerous sieges that have taken place throughout time, and represents the grand testimony of a turbulent history of the medieval …
"Forest Berries" Festival, Entertainment, Events, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Neamţ, simply delicious! »

In this weekend (19 and 20 September 2014) will be held in Piatra Neamt Berries Festival organized by A.T.R.E.C. Romania in partnership with the National Tourism Authority.
Now in its fifth edition, the festival is a gastronomic event, focusing on berries, the only of its kind in Neamt County, which brings together industrial producers of canned berries, canning achieved by traditional methods, herbal medicines and cosmetics, hostels, representatives Romsilva and other organizations involved in tourism and tourism resources exploitation.
The festival will begin Friday, September 19, 2014 with the symposium “The natural …
"Forest Berries" Festival, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Tourism Promotion »

Between 2 and 4 October 2009 took place the second edition of the Festival “Fructele de Padure” (The Festival of Berries). The festival was organized by the Neamt County Council together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Neamt. The event took place near the bridge that goes to the Local Beach Piatra Neamt.
At the opening attended the Mayor Gheorghe Stefan, the president of the Chamber for Commerce and Industry Mihai Apopii, sub-prefect Dan Vasile Constantin, the vice president of the Neamt County Council Valerian Perca, the director of the …
"Forest Berries" Festival, Festivals organized by Neamţ County Council, Neamţ, simply delicious!, Tourism Promotion »

The first edition of the Festival “Fructele de Padure” took place between 3 and 5 October 2008 at Piatra Neamt. The festival was organized by the Neamt County Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Neamt, ANTREC Neamt and the Forestry Department Neamt. The sponsors were SILVA FRUCT – natural juice, Poiana Negri and PLANTAVOREL Piatra Neamţ.
The official opening took place in the building of Neamt County Council with a series of scientific whitepapers about the benefits of berries and the importance of having a clean environment. These whitepapers were …