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Explore Neamţ County, one bite at a time! 20 traditional culinary recipes and other stories from Neamț County

25 March 2024 No Comment

One can speak and write extensively about the gastronomic traditions of Neamț County, as the culinary diversity in the area is fabulous, with a long history and endless stories.

The project titled “Tradition and Gastronomy in Neamț” managed to bring together 20 traditional recipes from the county’s housewives in a brochure called “Gastronomic Stories from Neamț”. At the same time, the project encouraged local culinary initiatives through various workshops, brought together under the unitary concept “Local Gastronomic Point (LGP) – Country Life Business”.


Photo gallery (pictures taken during the implementation of the project):

“Gastronomic Stories from Neamț” is a project that has deep roots intertwined with Bison Land and the famous monasteries in Neamț; the paths of hermits, the legends associated with Stephen the Great and Petru Rareș, and the writings of Calistrat Hogaș and Mihail Sadoveanu; also, with older or more recent historical findings. All these transform Neamț County in a region with a rich and varied gastronomy. Therefore, we find here traditional culinary dishes, but also recipes influenced by Moldavian, Polish, or Ukrainian cuisine; we even have Slavic mixtures, some French whims (perhaps introduced by the sons of boyars who returned from studies in the west of Europe, especially from France, where they came with liberal, progressive ideas, or during the emancipation period after 1848). Neamț is also known for honey production, cheeses, wines, and brandy, which brings diversity, and a special touch to the dishes, celebrating both moments of joy, sorrow, or nostalgia.” (Prof. Dr. Puiu Nistoreanu, afterword to the brochure “Gastronomic Stories from Neamț”)

Photo gallery of traditional recipes:

“Tradition and Gastronomy in Neamț,” is a project of social solidarity funded by the European Solidarity Corps and implemented by 5 volunteers from the R.A.D.A. organization in Piatra Neamț. It encourages the initiative and involvement of residents, and especially young people from the Alexandru cel Bun commune, in the development of the community.


The notion of gastronomy is closely related to all cultural and social aspects of the community: history, traditions, customs, rituals, and stories associated with the pleasure of food consumption, “enhancing perception through taste and ultimately the therapeutic function of foods that make and unmake many things in a man’s household, in line with his rank and science of passing through the world” (Prof. Dr. Puiu Nistoreanu, afterword to the brochure “Gastronomic Stories from Neamț”)

See the accommodation possibilities from Neamt County

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